Sunday, January 8, 2012

Wednesday September 7th—First Day of School

Kids file into the gymnasium for the first day of school assembly. All the seniors gather into the back, on the bleachers. Four friends sit together on the top level, surveying the room.
“These assemblies are so boring,” Bailey says, resting her head on her fist.
“Yeah, but…they’re important…,” Asher fidgets as Bailey and Scarlet stare at him.
Scarlet scoffs. “Yeah, right. I could be finishing my last application right now. Instead they want to shove us all into a room and lie to us about how great this year is going to be.”
Cameron glances at Scarlet. “Which one did you save for last?”
She straightens up a little. “Harvard. Saving the best for last.”
Asher laughs. She glares. “Oh come on, Lettie. Any of those schools would be lucky to have you.”
Scarlet turns her gaze to the stage, where the principal has just walked on. “No point in leaving anything to chance. But if I have to, I’d like chance to be on my side.”
Asher keeps laughing, covering his mouth with his hand. A smile tugs at the corner of Scarlet’s mouth. She smacks him, and he gives her a stern look.
He brushes off his sleeve with a big smile. “Can’t hurt me. Not when I’m wearing my leather jacket.”
“You look like the Fonz,” Scarlet says.
“I think it’s a lovely jacket,” Bailey says, leaning forward. Then she sticks her tongue out at Scarlet.
“And your jacket is last fall,” a rough voice coos from down the bleachers. Bailey turns to see a tall pale girl in a black corset dress dress. Echo Williams looks like a goth model with her gloved hands poised on her knees. She doesn’t face Bailey, who continues to stare openly. Finally, she turns to give a completely blank stare, ice blue contacts giving Bailey chills.
“Really?” Bailey asks. “How would you know what’s in season? All you wear is black.”
Echo turns her head away and Bailey watches the curtain of her pitch black hair cover her face. Then Bailey shoves her hand in her mouth, biting her nails.
Scarlet, with her eyes forward, reaches over and pulls Bailey’s hand away from her mouth. “Shush, it’s about to start.”
“Hello there,” Principal Evans says, gripping the podium. “It’s great to have you all back for another school year.”
“Something’s wrong with him,” Cameron says, leaning over to whisper to the others. “He looks nervous.”
“You think he’s got bad news?” Asher asks.
“Yeah,” Echo Williams says. “School’s starting.”
Cameron, Bailey Scarlet and Asher all snicker together. Echo frowns.
“I’m hoping this year will be a good one for all us,” Principal Evans goes on. “Seniors, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. Student body president Toby Lightly and vice president Scarlet Weathers will be your leaders.”
Scarlet forces a smile.
Asher rubs her back. “Vice is better than nothing.”
Principal Evans takes a deep breath and lets it out into the microphone. “Unfortunately, I have some bad news to share with you all. Now, I’m sure everyone is aware of Jack Woods and what transpired this past summer. Well, I’m sorry to inform you all that he passed away last night at the hospital.”
His words send a shock wave through the room. Everyone sits up a little straighter. Four friends in the back of the room go stiff. Asher glances at Scarlet, who touches her mouth. Bailey grips her knees tightly, and Cameron, seeing this, puts an arm around her.
“There will be a memorial service held for Jack this evening. Everyone is invited. And now, we’ll have a moment of silence for our friend, Jack Woods.”
The room goes dead quiet. Everyone bows their head. And the same thought crosses ten different minds.
Jack Woods is dead.
The silence is broken by three police officers entering the gymnasium. Principal Evans clears his throat.
“Now, these officers are here just to speak with a few of you. Your homeroom teachers will let you know who that is. Please don’t worry,” he says, to counteract the buzz of whispers raging through the room. “It’s only some routine follow-up questions. Now, everyone can return to their homeroom. Have a great year.”

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